The Perseid meteor shower, one of the most significant meteor showers for 2021, is coming up.
The Perseid meteor shower, one of the most significant meteor showers for 2021, is coming up.
This meteor shower happens every year as the Earth passes near the path of the comet Swift-Tuttle. Once every 133 years, Swift- Tuttle orbits between the Sun and beyond the orbit of Pluto. At that time, fragments from the comet will appear in the sky as quick, small streaks of light, and we can see as we pass nearby.
Meteor-tracking cameras of NASA spotted their first Perseid on July 26. But we can able to see them from the night of August 11.
With the crescent moon setting early, the sky will be dark from midnight to dawn on August 12, making it a perfect time that coincides with the meteor shower's peak.
Find somewhere comfortable, avoid bright lights as much as possible, including your phone, and adjust to the dark.
Do you know about the massive comet found this year in the outer solar system?